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Lakeshore Food 4 Kids


Supporting Ludington Youth

Serving Ludington Area Schools

Lakeshore Food 4 Kids (LF4K) is a weekend food “backpack” program for K-12 students experiencing food insecurity in the Ludington Area School District and West Shore ESD.


LF4K delivers roughly 200 food bags to elementary, middle, and high school students each week during the school year. The food is discreetly distributed to participating children at school as they leave for the weekend or before a long break.


Learners who come to school with a full belly are more focused and better able to learn, safeguarding a brighter future. By removing a barrier to education, Lakeshore Food 4 Kids hopes to allow youth a greater chance for success.

Since 2017, Lakeshore Food 4 Kids has been feeding K-12 students experiencing food insecurity. Will you join us by adding weekend food items to your shopping list?

SEPTEMBER--Maruchan Instant Lunch
OCTOBER--Tuna or Chicken Salad Kits
NOVEMBER--Chef Boyardee Bowls
DECEMBER--Hormel Compleats
JANUARY--Cans of Beef Stew
FEBRUARY--Canned Vegetables
MARCH--Canned Chicken
APRIL--Pasta Sauce (red or white; No glass, please)
MAY--Easy Mac Cups
Donations can be dropped off at Lakeshore Food Club. 
Thank you for your continued support!

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